Deep Heart, Wild Love, Erotic Body
{A One-Day Workshop for Women}
Sunday 9th December 2018
This workshop will be a delicious deep-dive into transformative feminine practices, original-wild-free movement, powerful breath-work, artistic offering and sacred ritual.
Topics you’ll explore ….
Deep Heart, Wild Love, Erotic Body :: There is a Love. Wild and free. Sacred and sensual. Radiant and wise. This Love drums the beat of your heart. It dances the pleasure of your aliveness. It’s not a Love you ‘get’. It’s not even the Love you ‘give’. It’s the Love you are. Your feminine heart knows this wild Love and yearns for you to BE it. Your erotic body is thrilled by this Wild Love and aches for you to come alive as it. Deliciously. Deeply. Ecstatically. Now.
Softness, Surrender, Spine and Sisters :: Delicious-deep-hearted-whole-bodied softening happens in a circle of really good women. Sisters on the path. In community with these women, you’ll discover ancient and new ways to soften your body and heart so deeply that you feel the subtle pulse of Love itself dancing alive in your breath and body. And you’ll learn the secret that can only be known when you combine this deep softening with the strengthening of your energetic ‘spine’ to reveal a self-trust so deep, and a softness so full, that you finally enjoy the ecstasy of true surrender in life and lovemaking.
Agony and Ecstasy Both :: Learning how to trust yourself (and Life) to feel it all. Without fear. Without turning away. Without shutting down. Instead, BEing the Ocean of Love you are, allowing the waves of agony and ecstasy both, to tenderly ripple through your feminine heart and fearlessly roar through your feminine body. Allowing the fullness of feminine feeling to flow through you as a gift to yourself, to Life and to your Lover.
Sacred Shadow Work for the Feminine :: Underneath every fear, repression, and act of self-sabotage is a Shakti. A Sacred-Super-Power, just waiting for you to claim it. It requires your willingness. Your courage. Your vulnerability. It calls forth the heart-Light of your Love-consciousness. It is an act of radical self-Love and Liberation that allows you to truly shine the radiant Light that only you can gift the world.
Diving Deeper to Make Moments-that-Matter :: Transforming ordinary moments of life, sex and intimacy into unforgettable moments-that-matter to your deep heart and Feminine Soul. Diving deeper than the busy-ness of your every-day life and aligning with the beauty and Power of Shakti (creative energy) that flows through you. Reclaiming who you are as an erotically alive, authentically emPowered woman, and fearlessly living what your feminine Soul is most devoted to.
This event is over

"The Workshop with Lisa workshop made me feel vital! It was enlivening, nourishing and nurturing…. Did I say freeing? It was so freeing emotionally!
It helped me to be more expanded and open, to trust myself more, and to really listen when I get an intuitive hit and nudge.
Even though it was only a 2.5 hour workshop, I arranged a babysitter and flew from Melbourne to Adelaide…and it was TOTALLY worth flying interstate for! What a gift also to be a part of an incredible community of women… Ahhhhh!!!
I’d recommend it to any other women who really want to live from a place of embodied power and subtle flow. To feel nourished, nurtured awakened, accepted, understood and most of all loved for exactly who you are."

"I admire and value Lisa’s journey and teachings and I find her a valuable source of integrity within this field. I also felt very supported by the work we did together and it helped me to deepen trust in my own Sacred Knowing and Intuition."

"I loved the Workshop on Sunday. Lisa’s guidance in the different feminine practices and sharing her own journey and challenges created a wonderful atmosphere of both trust and deep nurturing. It was also beautiful to share the experience with a group of heart and soul centred women. It was so good I’ve already booked in for the next workshop!"

“I love your work and what you are serving up to us Lisa, its hot fresh and delicious!”
About Lisa
Lisa Page is an international teacher, published author and poet who has been passionately exploring the deeper truths of life, love and intimacy for more than twenty years. For the last 18+ years she’s shared what she’s discovered along the way through her mentoring, workshops and writing. Lisa has taught live workshops and trainings in Australia, Asia, NZ, USA, UK and Europe.
Lisa’s poetry was published in 2016 in ‘Diamond Cutters - Visionary Poets in America, Britain and Oceania’, edited and introduced by world-renowned mystic, and best selling author, Andrew Harvey and Jay Ramsay. She is also a contributing author in ‘Picture Them Naked - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Presenting and Public Speaking and Were Afraid to Ask’ published in 2014 where she shares her knowledge for aspiring speakers.
As a sacred intimacy teacher, Lisa has been profoundly influenced by her study and work with world renowned teacher and best-selling author, David Deida. Since 2008 Lisa has immersed herself in 17+ trainings with Deida as a way to deepen her own spiritual-sexual practice and to support others to do the same, first as a participant, then as an assistant, as lead female assistant, and then teaching Ocean & Fire | A Workshop for Women where Deida was a guest-teacher.
The somatic and psychological aspect of Lisa’s work is built on the foundation of her 4 year diploma as a Dru yoga teacher, with an emphasis on de-traumatisation. She also has a Masters in Neurological Re-patterning, Ericksonian hypnosis and performance coaching and has completed additional psychology training with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, world renowned Jungian Analyst & Best Selling Author of ‘Women Who Run With the Wolves’. Lisa has also completed training in the energetics of the spiritual-sexual body with Master Mantak Chia, the author of ‘The Multi Orgasmic Woman/Man/Couple’
Lisa is devoted to the embodiment of Love as a dynamic art and sacred sexual practice and is leading the way as the creator of EmbodySHE™, her transformational women’s work grounded in feminine embodiment practices, powerful breath-work, original-wild-free-movement, artistic offering and sacred ritual.