Contrary to what you may have been raised to believe, wanting more pleasure in your life is NOT selfish, sinful or greedy!
In fact, studies have shown that women who experience more pleasure in their life, tend to enjoy greater physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual well-being, and greater success and personal fulfillment.
I can vouch for this because I’ve seen it with my own eyes, with the women I’ve coached from around the world over the last ten years. When a woman harnesses the ‘power of pleasure’, the benefits extend far beyond the ‘feel good’ factor.
Here’s Top 7 Reasons to enjoy more pleasure in your day!
1. Less Stress!
Forget diamonds! …Oxytocin is a girl’s best friend!
When you feel pleasure, your body releases oxytocin. This amazing ‘feel good’ hormone helps to relax your body, calm your mind and increase your capacity to cope with stressful situations.
2. Pleasure Helps Prevent Obesity, the ‘Big-C’ & More!
Yup! Studies have shown that oxytocin deficiency in women enhance stress, obesity and sometimes psychotic behavior (Yikes!!). It can also impair cognitive function and increase breast-cancer risk.
Now with pleasure being the quickest way to ‘top up’ your oxytocin levels, it’s a bit of a no brainer really!
3. So You Can Kick-Ass at Work & Life!
Now this one might seems a bit strange at first glance but hear me out!
The more relaxed you are, the more focus and mental clarity you have. Plus the better your right-left brain co-ordination is, which means you can more easily think of creative solutions to solve problems, and work both intuitively and strategically to achieve your outcomes.
Now, being the kind of gal I am, I road tested this one for you!
I experimented by setting my alarm to remind me, every hour, to take a 2-3 minutes ‘pleasure break’. Every hour I ‘pleasured myself’ with anything from dancing to my favorite music, breast massage, thinking erotic thoughts, having an orgasm….(you get the picture!)
And guess what?
I had the most effective work day ever! Contrary to my concern about ‘wasting time’ on pleasure when I had so much to do, my regular infusion of pleasure kept me relaxed, refreshed, clear and focused. I got more done, in less time …and let’s face it…It was a much more pleasurable day!
Since then, many of my clients have done the same experiment with the same results, so try it for yourself and see what happens!
4. More Energy & Vitality
Pleasure gets the blood pumping which increases oxygen to the organs and activates the meridians (energy lines) in the body enhancing energy flow. It also relaxes your breathing which means you breathe in more oxygen and ‘prana’, life force, giving you more energy – And you breathe out more waste and toxins that would otherwise deplete you.
5. Makes You Irresistible!
As a woman, when you experience pleasure something magical happens. Your body relaxes, your heart opens and your inner radiance is revealed. You feel good, from the inside out!
If you want to attract a partner or inspire the one you’re with, there’s nothing more irresistible than a woman who’s not only brilliant and capable, but also brimming over with the ‘juice’ of life, through her pleasure filled body and open heart.
6. Better Sex & Intimacy!
Pleasure makes you feel juicy, sensual and alive in your body! It also relaxes your body (essential for good sex) and opens your heart (essential for deeper intimacy). So more pleasure in your daily life makes for better sex and intimacy, whether you’re enjoying it with a partner or flying solo!
For various reasons your body can become numb to pleasure. That’s when you may need to re-sensitize your body, by enhancing your ability to ‘receive’ through the senses.
Here are some easy ways to do that: Next time you eat a delicious mouthful of your favorite food, or smell the scent of a deep red rose, or feel the sunshine on your face, or put lotion on your legs….Receive fully through the senses and surrender to the delicious pleasure of the moment.
7. Deepens Your Connection with the Divine
Contrary to what most patriarchal religions will tell you, pleasure is NOT a sin! In fact, if experienced with awareness, pleasure can be a portal to the Divine.
Whether it’s an explosive orgasm, or waves of gentle pleasure, in those moments of bliss, when you ‘lose your mind’ and surrender to the pleasure of the moment, you surrender to something much deeper than pleasure itself.
For a moment, undistracted by your body or mind, you relax into an expansion of awareness, an opening to love and a deeper experience of freedom. You relax into the Juice and Truth of who you are as a woman. You relax into the Divine you are.
Know a friend who could use this information? Feel free to share it with any and all of the amazing women in your life.