Look what I got on my Birthday!!
I just had to share this amazing sunset with you! This is the view from my home here in Australia and it was my Birthday the other day and as I came to the end of what was an amazing day, this is the gift I received.
Not only a beautiful explosion of rich colour which took my breath away but it also made me feel so incredibly grateful to be alive! (I can’t believe that I get to experience these rich sunsets at the end of EVERY day! …You should see the sunrise over the hills from the other side of the house!)
Sunsets always remind me to ‘Let go.” And so when this amazing creation presented itself to me I had to ask myself…
“What do I need to let go of this year so that I can live and give even more deeply, even more passionately and fully in my life and intimacy?”
The answers came flooding of course…
And so, I’d invite you to ask yourself a similar question.
So what about you?
What do you need to let go of to take your experience of love, passion and fulfillment to the next level in your life or intimacy?
Is it...
- The fear of being vulnerable?
- Resentment about the past?
- The fear of humiliation? ..getting it wrong? ..looking silly?
- Doubting yourself or your man?
- Fear of being out of control if you show how you REALLY feel?
- Unreasonable expectation of yourself or others?
- The masculine part of you (at times) that is great at getting sh!t done but kills passion in a second without you realising it!?
So my Birthday gift to you this year is this – A reminder of the power of letting go! May this year be a magnificent year for you too..filled with deep passion, profound love, delicious heart awakening intimacy and real fulfillment.
Yours in fullness,
PS Need help but not sure where to start? Click here and send me a personal message.