Let your light shine!!!
“Let your light shine. Shine within you so that it can shine on someone else. Let your light shine.” Oprah
When you look in the mirror what do you see? Wrinkles, pimples, or perceived imperfections?
… Or do you see the light that shines in your eyes?
I was given practice by a teacher many years ago and have adapted it for the women I teach. So here it is for you!
Find a mirror. Close your eyes.
Breathe fully, down into your belly, softening the front surface of your body. Feel your face relax and soften, especially your eyes.
Then gently open your eyes and ‘gaze’ into your eyes in the mirror.
Don’t ‘look’ intently, just gaze softly.
Notice the beautiful light that shines in your eyes.
It’s like the glimmer of sunlight that dances on the water, except it’s YOUR light, dancing through you!!
Before you walk away from the mirror, make a promise to share that light with the next person you meet.
Go on… Do it now! ..Magic happens when you share your light!
PS Be sure to leave a message below and let me know what happens!
PPS Share this with a friend or two. The world needs your radiance!
PPPS If you’re having trouble SHINING in an area of your life or relationship click here for info our the upcoming Mentor Program or 1:1 Coaching with me.