Let’s face it, feeling unfulfilled sucks! It brings you down and drains the life out of your relationship. So what to do?
Well, as unlikely as it might sound, feeling unfulfilled’ often comes NOT from not ‘GETTING’ what you want, rather from not GIVING your all!
Think about it. Let’s say you’re kissing your man, but don’t really ‘feel’ anything (AKA you feel ‘unfulfilled’ by the kiss). What do you do?
a) Give up and walk away?
b) Resent him for not bringing the passion to the kiss?
c) Kiss him more passionately than ever before!?
You see, we often ‘wait’ for the other person to give us what we want, but when you catch yourself ‘holding back’ you give yourself the opportunity to give your all and co-create what you really want.
Same goes in life. Often the gifts you hold back the most, are the ones that would allow you to feel most deeply fulfilled! This could be in your work, your relationships or your sex & intimacy.
Here’s your Feminine Practice for this week:
When you find yourself feeling unfulfilled, ask yourself this simple question:
- “If I weren’t holding back in this moment what would I do?”
- “If I felt completely free to give my all in this moment what would I do?”
..And do it! Go on, give it a try and see what happens.

PS Make sure you message me to share what happens!
PPS If you now a woman who would benefit from this Feminine Practice, feel free to share this page!