BE the Love You Are

Beautiful Woman,

I wondered what I could get for you for Valentines’ Day.

I wanted to give you something special.

Something that would make you realize how loved you are, whether you’re in a relationship or not.

In my 20 years of exploring the deeper truths of life, love and intimacy, and in my 12+ years of working with women from around the world,

if there’s one thing I’ve discovered it’s this….

Unless you’re really frickin’ careful,

                                                                 you could easily be pulled into the illusion that’s perpetuated by cosmetic companies, fashion designers, and other patriarchal big biz-nesss..

..that you’re not enough!
(unless you buy their product of course)
Please don’t fall into their trap.
Instead fall into you.

For the love of all that’s holy…

Look in the mirror.

Look in the mirror and see the light that shines in your eyes
no matter how many wrinkles or blemishes you have.
Because that’s the light of the Love you are.

Look in the mirror and love the delicious curves of your feminine body
no matter what your size.
Because that’s the embodiment of the Love you are.

Look in the mirror and have real appreciation for the scars you bare
no matter how they got there.
Because they hold the wisdom of the Love you are.

Beautiful woman.
Look in the mirror.

And once and for all
Love who you are
here and now
body, heart and soul.

Trust who you are
here and now
body, heart and soul.

in truth
you are Her.

You are a unique expression of the BIG She
The Divine Feminine.

And She is Love.
As are you.

Look in the mirror
And say out loud

“I am She”.
Feel it.
Know it.
Trust it.

Because you are.

Look in the mirror
And say out loud

“I am Love’.
Feel it.
Know it.
Trust it.

Because you are.

So don’t waste it trying to ‘get’ something you already are.

Just come HOME to the juice and truth of who you are as woman.

Right here.
Right now.

No more waiting.

Time is precious my love.

So I wondered what gift I could get you that would not only make you feel loved,
not only remind you that you are ‘worthy’ of love,
but most importantly, remind you that you ARE Love.

Because this is my deepest prayer for you, for me, for all women.

This reminder is my gift to you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

From the depths of the Love I am, to the expanse of the Love you are,


PS Want deeper love in your life or relationship? Lisa can help you. Click here for info about mentoring.

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