Being 'In The Moment' to Deepen Connection in Your Relationship.
It’s so easy to get caught up in trivial arguments, annoyances and agitation in relationship. And yet if you were told you were going to die, and this was your last hour together…Surely so much of that would fall away into insignificance.
The love that your feminine heart aches to experience in your relationship exists in every moment. But you can only be experience it if you are ‘IN’ the present moment and not distracted by worrying about the future or resenting what happened in the past.
Here’s a way to reconnect with yourself or your lover WITHOUT that distraction:
Look into your partners eyes. Connect heart to heart and look beyond the eye’s surface into their soul. And ask yourself, “Who are you”…”Who Am I?” …..This moves beyond the ‘stories’ you’ve created about yourself, your partner, and your relationship, and opens you to the Love that lives and breathes you both.
If you’re single do this as a practice with yourself in the mirror. This is a powerful way to connect with yourself on a deeper level which also opens you to ‘naturally’ attract a deeper man.
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