If you’ve got some ‘old emotional baggage’ that you’re sick of, and you’re ready to let it go, then this is for you!
This was inspired by a coaching session I did with a wonderful woman from Europe the other day. I have to say, I was pretty impressed by this lady because she got up at 2am (her time) for her coaching session with me!!! ….How’s that for dedication!?
Without going into too much detail about her personal situation, what she realized in her session is that after years of suppressing her emotions (for various reasons), she’s now ‘stuck’ in a body that has layers and layers of unhealthy, unexpressed emotion, and it’s preventing her creating the 3 things she wants most in her life, love and intimacy:
- To attract a ‘quality’ man who will love, cherish and commit to her
- To create the depth of love, passion and connection she yearns for in relationship
- To feel as deeply fulfilled as she knows is possible in her life.
This is a lesson for all of us because knowing how to fully feel, express and let go of your emotions, moment to moment is one of the keys to creating a loving, passionate and meaningful relationship that lasts. That’s because when you ‘hold back’ how you feel, you create layers of ‘armor’ around you that prevent the very thing you most want in relationship…A good man to lovingly claim you..Body, heart and soul!!!
If you can relate to this, and you’re ready to let go of old emotional baggage once and for all then read on my lovely!
So today I’m going to share with you how to put down that emotional baggage once and for all!
Firstly, here are 8 Symptoms of Being Imprisoned Emotional Baggage:
- You find it difficult to express some emotions.
- You sometimes feel sad/angry/depressed/afraid for no ‘real’ reason
- You sometimes feel a bit numb.
- You find yourself ‘holding back’ in relationship.
- You find it difficult to ‘open’ your heart, or your body to a man. (even though you want to)
- You sometimes ‘shut down’ but don’t know why.
- You’re afraid your man will think you’re ‘too much‘ if you express how you really feel.
- Your man ‘retreats’/runs away/gets angry -when you do express yourself.
If you can relate to any of these and you’re ready for a relationship where you really FEEL the love, the connection, the passion you’ve always wanted, then it’s time to put those bags down! “…But how?” You ask.
Well one way is by doing the Feminine Practice that I’ve posted below. I normally only give this to my 1:1 clients but now I’m giving it to you! It’s simple, it’s powerful, and it works!
But before that, it’s important to understand that there are many reasons why women suppress how they feel. I’d like to say it’s rare, but the truth is that I come across this almost every day with the women I see in my coaching practice.
Sometimes past trauma or hurt is just too much to bear, so it seems easier to keep it all at a distance. Sometimes we fear that if we really feel our anger we’ll ‘explode’! Or if we really feel our sadness we might just die from the pain. Oftentimes we worry that if we let those feelings ‘in’ they might never leave!! ..And if we let them ‘out’ we might lose control!!!
On top of that, as young girls we’re often taught that we’re ‘silly’ if we cry, that we’re ‘not nice’ to be around’ when we’re angry, that we’re ‘weak’ for feeling afraid..and so on!
So we learn to ‘manage’ our emotions. In other words, we stuff them down..again and again. But while things might seem OK on the outside, (or not!) the truth is it’s not! Our body becomes riddled with toxic residue of unexpressed emotion. We wonder why we can’t seem to create the life, love and intimacy our true heart really desires, because we’ve become so accustomed to the layers of tension and self-protection around our body and heart, we don’t even notice it’s there anymore
If you’re like most women, you’ve probably tried all sorts of self-development, therapies, or spiritual practices to ‘get rid of’ your emotions. But what if you could just give yourself permission to actually feel your emotions, to accept them, to love them and to ‘invite them in’ and ‘let them out’, knowing and trusting that THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! …That how you feel is a part of your perfection, as a woman, as a soul, as a human being!
Here’s the truth about your feminine feelings – They’re the source of your deep inner feminine wisdom and power! So don’t ignore them, or suppress them, let them BE, let them FREE!
Just imagine a life where you feel free to express how you feel moment to moment, where instead of feeling tense, shutdown and closed by fear, your body and heart are relaxed, open and alive with love! What an amazing gift to give yourself, your man, and the world!
Well that’s what happens when you learn how to feel, accept, embrace, express and let go of ALL your emotions, (not just the ‘positive’ ones!) moment by moment. I go into this in more detail in the ‘Life, Love & Intimacy’ Homestudy Program, which currently includes a FREE 30 min 1:1 coaching session with me (limited availability)
It’s called ‘The Allowing Dance” & it is a powerful way to:
- Release accumulated unexpressed emotion
- Relax your body & open your heart
- Learn to trust how you feel
- Re-train your body to express how you feel spontaneously ‘in the moment’, with an open heart
- Express ‘real’ emotion to give your man ‘authentic’ feminine feedback, rather than drama, whinging and nagging!
- Feel the bliss of pleasurable emotions, and tap into the wisdom of painful emotions.
INSTRUCTIONS: Set aside some time when you won’t be interrupted. Phone off, doors closed, just you and your feelings! Set some music up to play for a period of time. I suggest you start with one song and choose some music that best reflect what you want to ‘allow’.
Take 3 deep breaths and tune into the feeling or feelings that you want to ‘allow’, i.e. the feelings you want to let go of, or practice expressing with an open heart. Then as the music plays, simply ‘dance’ that feeling. Not disco dancing, just let your body move and sway, or bump and thump.. As a FULL expression of how you feel inside. Just ‘allow’ how you feel to move through you. You can also use sound to tap into and express the feeling.
When you finish take a few minutes to lie silently on your back with eyes closed. Enjoy the feeling of being completely ‘given’! Feel the openness and relaxation in your body and heart that naturally follows when you ‘let go’. Feel the support of the earth beneath you, and how loved you are by everything around you.
Here are a few of my favorite tracks depending on my mood:
- ‘Bone’s by Gabrielle Roth
- ‘Crazy’ by Alanis Morissette
- <…Message me below with your suggestions!
That’s it!!!
This is a great practice to do on a daily basis. You can grow from 1 song to a whole album..however long you like! You’ll find that every day is different – Maybe you’ll laugh, maybe you’ll cry, maybe you’ll pound your fists on the floor with anger as you ‘allow’ whatever comes up for you. But you’ll always end up feeling more relaxed, more open, that’s for sure.
Enjoy and message me below or send me a personal email to let me know how you went! I can’t wait to hear your news.
Meantime live juicy & love deep!
PS Need help but not sure where to start? Click here and send me a personal message.