Have you ever wanted to ‘ get the spark back ’ in your intimate relationship?
If you’re like most women, then you’ve probably been in a relationship (or maybe you’re in one right now) and you’ve found that the passion you once had, has decreased, or even disappeared all together!
Often, we’re told by ‘Relationship Experts’ that to ‘spice things up’ we need to
…Go on a ‘Date Night’
…Wear some sexy new lingerie
…Have a weekend away together
…Try something ‘new’ in the bedroom
…Make more time to be together
…And the list goes on!
But here’s the thing – All of these ideas are great in theory, but in practice, they’re completely USELESS …Unless you know how to tap into the ‘source’ of deep passion in your relationship.
In fact, a Date Night can actually make things worse!
Here’s an example from a client of mine:
Geffen and her husband worked together, and the passion between them had slowly been dying over time. They decided to have regular Date Nights to ‘ get the spark back ’…But by the time she called me, she was feeling very frustrated because the Date Nights were actually making things worse!
Because Geffen and her husband were making the same mistakes on the Date Nights, that were killing the passion between them in the first place! Except now, to make things worse, they were making those mistakes on a Date Night that was filled with the expectations of making things better!
So Geffen and I had a coaching session… Here’s happened next…

“Hi Lisa,
I am writing to thank you for an unexpected gift you gave me in our coaching session last week.
Recently, my husband and I agreed that we needed to make a regular date-night to keep the fire of our relationship burning strong. Since we work together, from home, the transition to date-night can often be difficult to achieve. In the past, after 12-hours of working with clients and managing my businesses, I was not feeling quite capable of making the emotional and mental shift to be a hot date for my husband.
I am so grateful to have had the session with you last week! It amazes me that you know such effective tools to help us.
As our recent date-night evening neared, I kept hearing your words encouraging me to take time for myself to get ready... and to practice the magical breathing technique with my man.
To my surprise, and my husband's delight - what was meant to be date-night, turned into an entire date-weekend!
It was amazing to feel so connected, juicy and delighted to be with the man I see every single day! A surprise gift for both of us.
Thank you for helping us resurrect the passion that brought us together in the first place!
With love, celebration, and awe,
What did I teach Geffen that made such a difference?

How to harness the power of masculine and feminine energy within her intimate relationship.
You see, the moment you feel that deep passion that magnetically attracts you to your partner, there’s an arc of energy flowing between you. That arc of energy is created by two polar opposites, just like two magnets.
When you put the two ‘plus’ ends of each magnet close together, they repel. The same thing happens if you put the two ‘minus’ ends together. But, if you put the two polar opposites, the ‘minus’ end of one magnet, close to the ‘plus’ end of the other, they are magnetically drawn together.
In your relationship, it’s the same. Except one end of the magnet is the feminine and the other is the masculine. So when you are in your feminine and your partner is in his masculine, you’ll feel that powerful arc of energy between you that magnetically draws you together. And that feeling of being magnetically, irresistibly drawn together, gives you that experience of deep passion. (The same principle applies to same sex relationships.)
Knowing how to magnify that arc of energy is the real secret to a long lasting, deeply passionate relationship.
It’s also the secret to avoiding the mistakes that most women make without realizing it, that kill passion and block connection with the man you love.
Once you harness the power of masculine and feminine energy within your intimate relationship, it won’t matter whether you’re making love, having dinner or doing the dishes together…You’ll still enjoy the deep loving passion that will nurture, sustain and keep your intimate relationship ALIVE!
PS Want to transform your life, love or intimacy? Click here and send a message saying ‘Yes!’ and I’ll send you info about a complimentary Breakthrough Session with me.