It’s my Birthday today and I wanted to share some of my journal writings from today, in the hope that it will inspire you to live the best year of YOUR life.
Last year I shared with you the sunset that appeared on my Birthday which seems perfect in retrospect because that year had been all about LETTING GO – Death of loved ones, moving countries…lots and lots of change.
This year seems to be about RECEIVING..So here’s a photo of the flowers I received from my beautiful man and son today along with delicious hot chocolate croissants for breakfast!
5 Things I’m Grateful For About The Last Year:
- All the challenges that have caused me to step more fully into the woman I am at my core
- My man who loves ALL of me (even the bits I had previously denied), who opens me, provokes me and inspires me to live and love as the fullness of ME.
- My son who provides an excellent mirror as to how aligned I really am with my Truth and reminds me to not take things so darn seriously!
- The really good women in my life (like YOU) who inspire me to always go deeper with my own practice and to go to my edge even if I’m afraid or uncomfortable.
- The pain of loss and the ecstasy of remembering that nothing can be lost.

Lessons Learned This Year:
- I don’t need to ‘try’ so hard at everything
- It really doesn’t need to be perfect (Says Ms Dux of the Matriculation Class)
- That who I am and what I do, does make a difference
- That by embracing and expressing the ‘wild woman’ and indeed ALL of who I am as woman, I free other women to do the same
- That holding back in fear can be a very subtle thing….And that when I catch it, and open, even very slightly as the love I am…The difference is profound and it changes moments and lives forever.
My Intentions For This Year:
- Stress, worry and control less……Relax, enjoy and dance more!
- To make love every day! …To my man, myself, the Divine, to the wind, to the ocean, to the moment!
- To receive… love, compliments, support, money, nurturing, guidance, responsibility, challenges, pleasure, my man, gifts, food, …life…. Fully!
- To give unconditionally.
- To care less about what other people might think and care more about how aligned I feel with my Truth.
What do you do on your Birthday? What is YOUR intention this year? What are YOU grateful for in the last year? What lessons have you learned this year?
Just share one thought here for all the other women who will read this.
Much love,
PS Click here to find out more about working with Lisa so you can transform your life, love or intimacy