Do you sometimes find yourself feeling like a victim? …Either in your life or your relationship?
When nothing is going your way, it’s easy to fall into the ‘Woe is me’ trap! But the way to wholeness and power as a woman is to recognize that in any moment you feel like a love victim, you’ve simply forgotten just how incredibly powerful you are!
Easier said than done? Well try this….
Next time you notice yourself getting stuck in the ‘Why’, obsessing to know, “Why me?”, “Why now?”, or “Why this?”, just take a deep, full breath, and on the out-breath LET GO of the need to know why. Do that a couple of times. Then on the next in-breath, breathe in the mystery of life for a moment, and give yourself permission to trust. To trust life, and yourself.
With each further breath, anchor yourself back into the Truth of who you are. Yes you have insecurities, we all do!!! But underneath all that you’re a strong, capable, intelligent, intuitive, beautiful woman, with a loving heart and a deep soul.
But you’re even more than that! …You ARE Love! You are a drop in the ocean of the Love that lives and breathes us all.
Know this to be true, and with every breath, let that Love call you back to your heart, back to your inner knowing that you CAN embrace any challenge that comes your way, that you CAN let go of the past, fully live in the present, and move forward with real self-love and authentic power.
The first step, is to recognize when you’re ‘stuck’ in ‘victim mode’. The rest you can do, one breath, and one step at a time!
Here’s to the amazing woman you are!
PS Need help but not sure where to start? Click here and send me a personal message.