I’ve just returned from 2 days holiday to some wonderful supportive emails from women around the world who heard about our ‘hacking disaster”
….. But as you’ll read below, I’m not sure it was a disaster after all! I’ve learned some powerful lessons.
As you may have heard, our server account was hacked into and our 30 websites were deleted.
We thought we’d lost everything!
..(And with no apparent backup!) There was nothing much we could do but surrender to what was. And so we decided to still go away on holidays, enjoy the R & R we so deserved and let our trusty techy team take the reign!
So here are the 3 powerful lessons I’ve been reminded of this weekend thanks to this experience:
1. Surrender
2. Support
3. Time out to relax, re-nourish and revitalize yourself
Sounds easy enough but often these 3 things can be the most difficult for women both in life and in intimacy.
Let’s face it – It can be downright scary to surrender. And it’s almost impossible to do when you’re ‘holding on’ for dear life. Sometimes the more a attached we are to the outcome, the stronger we hold on. Yet when you FINALLY let go and really trust, both yourself and the flow of life – The depth of fulfillment you experience becomes truly profound and makes the surrender worthwhile.
Remember, there is a difference between ‘giving up’ and ‘surrendering’. When you ‘give up’ you are NOT acting in alignment with your truth. You’re probably compromising your boundaries in some way.
When you surrender, you are acting in alignment with your truth. Your hearts deepest knowing. You are trusting that truth and acting in alignment with it.
The support YOU need may be different to the next woman. Depending on what you’ve got going on in your life. As a woman you have a built in endurance mechanism. Women are really built for endurance. Coupled with that, as a woman you have a strong capacity to multitask.
These are gifts, but when you use them ‘unconsciously’ they can become a curse because you can end up trying to do everything and keep on ‘keeping on’ no matter what. (That endurance mechanism) To the detriment of your health, well-being, your relationships your sense of fulfillment.
So today, take a look at your life and ask ‘How can I create more support for myself in this area?” In your work, your home-life or in your relationship…
YOU are the only one who can give you PERMISSION to take time out to relax, re-nourish and revitalize yourself. As a confessed, recovered high achiever , after many years of repeated burnout myself, I FINALLY came to realize that I was responsible for me, no-one else. That I had to keep my own fuel tank topped up. Yes you can do it with the help of others but…
…only YOU can give your PERMISSION to ASK for what you need to relax, re-nourish and revitalize.
I remember one of my first yoga teachers sharing this story – She has 7 kids so as you can imagine life was pretty darn busy. She had a rule in her house that if her lavender eye mask was on it was as good as a ‘Do NOT Disturb’ sign. So unless the house was burning down or someone was critically injured she was not to be disturbed. It took the kids a while to get used to this, but they soon realized the benefits of having a relaxed, re-nourished and revitalized mum – So they left her in peace whenever the mask was on!
So ask yourself today…
“What can I let go of and surrender to?”
“How can I create more support for myself?”
“What can I do today to relax, re-nourish and revitalize myself?’
These 3 questions have the power to transform any struggle you’re experiencing, opening you to new possibilities and deeper fulfillment.
Leave your comments below and let me know if you need any help.
PS Click here to find out more about working with Lisa so you can transform your life, love or intimacy