A Feminine Practice to Free Your Laughter, Love ….and Anything Else Hiding In There!

“Laughter is good for the soul!” …We’ve heard it before right?
Without a doubt, laughter has a stack of benefits. Studies have shown that laughter boosts your immune system, your mood (doohh!) and your libido (Yeah!!).
It also relieves pain, relaxes tension, enhances healing, and it lifts your spirits. AKA…Laughter makes you feel good!
Laughter also has a profound impact on your relationships. It dissolves tension and brings people closer together.
In fact, in all the work I’ve done with couples, I can honestly say with hand on heart, that loving humour can go a long way to saving a relationship! It can instantly transform a moment of drama and stress, into connection and communication.
Put simply, laughter ‘opens’ us, paving the way for love.
But I’m going to turn things on their head for a moment, and say that while laughter is incredibly beneficial in all its fabulousness, the full expression of all your feelings, including the ones you tend to avoid (in fact, especially the ones you avoid), can open, inspire and uplift you, and those around you, in the same way that laughter can.
But the problem is that most of us have been taught by those around us and by our experiences, that some emotions are ‘OK’, and others are not.
As a result, most women have a lot more tension around expressing their so called ‘negative’ emotions, than they do about expressing their joy, or ‘positive’ emotions.
Listen to the recording above and discover the essential feminine practice to free your laughter, love and anything else you’ve been supressing!
This is a recording of a feature article I wrote especially for ‘Wild Sister Magazine’.
In it you’ll discover:
- Why as women we tend to ‘close’ when we feel ‘negative’ emotions
- What you can do to remain ‘open’ no matter how you’re feeling
- How to let go of old emotion that’s sabotaging your life, love or intimacy
- …and much more!
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