Imagine being able to create the success you want, improve your relationship AND experience real personal deep fulfillment?
(….All at the same time…WITHOUT sacrificing one for the other!)
Well, there’s one thing that has a profound affect on each of these 3 areas of your life. And when you learn how to harness its power you can totally transform:
…The level of success you create in your work
…The depth of passion and connection you experience in your relationship
…How fulfilled you feel in your daily life.
So what is it?
It’s the dynamic of masculine and feminine energy.
Knowing how to harness the power of masculine and feminine energy is essential if you want to:
- Avoid the mistakes most women make that kill passion and block intimacy in relationship.
- ‘Naturally’ attract a ‘quality’ man WITHOUT seduction tricks or manipulation.
- Create great success without burning out, becoming a ‘ball buster’ or sacrificing the juice and truth of who are as a woman.
- Feel so much more fulfilled, in every area of your life.
There are many layers to the understanding of masculine and feminine energy, so the best place to start is knowing exactly what masculine and feminine energies are, so you can recognise them in yourself and how they’re currently playing out in your life, your work and your relationships.
Masculine and feminine energy actually energy exist within and around you. But for today let’s just look at masculine and feminine energy within you.
Your masculine is the part of you that’s purposeful, directional and focused. Your masculine loves getting stuff done, to achieve the purpose you intend, and feels good… in fact, feels free… when you complete things and get them ticked off the list!
URGENT NOTE: ….Feeling free is especially important to the masculine and we’ll talk more about that later, because when you understand how that plays out in your intimate relationship, you’ll finally understand what makes a man tick on the deepest level! And you’ll know what deeply inspires a man to commit to you in a long lasting, deeply passionate relationship that satisfies you both.
Your feminine is the part of you that’s all about feeling, flowing, loving, connecting and creating! It’s about energy, movement and life force. And just as freedom is what inspires the masculine, love is what most deeply inspires the feminine.
So once you learn how to flow from one to the other, you can create the result you want, depending on where you are and who you’re with. For example, at work you need to be more in your masculine to achieve results, get work done. For a moment of deeply passionate and loving intimacy, if you are with a more masculine partner, you need to be more in your feminine.
But here’s the catch….
…One of the greatest frustrations of highly successful women is that they spend so much time in their masculine at work, it becomes a ‘habit’ and they find it incredibly difficult to relax back into their feminine at the end of the working day. This prevents them from ‘being’ with their partner, because they are still in ‘doing’ mode and it also totally kills passion and blocks intimate connection.
To create the success, relationship AND deep fulfillment you really want, you must be able to flow between your masculine and feminine.
Much love,
PS Click here to find out more about working with Lisa so you can transform your life, love or intimacy